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Lesson 1 & 2: Karate Ni Sente Nashi

September 01, 20171 min read

Our Elite Mental Training Programme teaches our Adult or High Ranked  Junior students about the mental/spiritual side of the martial arts.

Lesson one teaches the first rule of all karate: KARATE NI SENTE NASHI, there is no 1st attack in Karate, either mentally, physically or spiritually. Karate is for self defence only, to be used to protect yourself or others but in daily life as an aid to improve ourselves and the world around us.

Students of karate grow to become better balanced and higher functioning versions of themselves. The goal to become the most authentic versions of themselves, free from delusions like fear, ego, doubt, greed etc. By becoming better, we do better, and we can influence the world around us by modelling better social interactions and inspiring others.

Lesson two, learn rule no one.

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