Our Blogs
Welcome to our September Newsletter. This email newsletter will hopefully keep you up to date with all you need to know about what’s going on in Elite Karate Academy over the coming months. Please feel free to share this newsletter with family and friends, I hope you find it informative. Feel free to comment on our Facebook (insert link here) page with comments and be sure to like our page while you’re there. Sign up for our newsletter at https://www.elitekarateacademy.com/contact-us/
News – Updates – Events
If you wish you can now pay your fees by Credit/Debit Card or set up a Standing Order, simply ask for a standing order form to complete the next time you are in the dojo.
Half-Price Sale in September for new members in Child/Adult Karate Classes, Cardio Combat Boot Camp, and Beginner’s Stick Fighting.
As of 1st September 2017, absolutely no class credit will be given without prior consent. Unfortunately, every summer a minority of parents abuse my goodwill. You cannot go swimming or to the cinema and pay later, so too with karate classes. Students, especially below green belt, who owe class fees will be made to sit out the class. Do not put me or your child in this situation.
Parents now get an email 7 days before fees are due and another email the day the fees are due. Students will also receive a card on their last prepaid class.
Donations for St Vincent de Paul of clothes, bedding, toys, books, household items, DVDs etc. as always may be dropped off at the dojo anytime.
Sunday 24th September 2017, we will once again be running our annual birthday party in September. I’m delighted to confirm once again we will be having our Bouncy Castle and the famous Sumo Suits, Face Painting and BBQ.
That so many of you recommend our Academy is a great source of pride for me. Please go our Facebook page and write a review your club and it may be posted on our website.
As always parents are invited to join either our Cardio Combat Fitness Boot Camp or Stick Fighting Classes. Ask Sensei about a FREE TRIAL.
I have Elite Karate Academy T-shirts back in stock in all sizes from child 5-6 through to adult XL
I have a few remaining issues of September’s Irish Fighter which features the Expo and students. Issues cost €3 and can be bought while stock last.
Coming Soon – Parent/Child Seminar to teach you how to train your child at home. Free Adult Self-Defence Class in October more details soon.
Student of the Month
Starting with July’s James O’Neill, each month student of the month will be added with a short profile to an archive on our new website. Click here to follow.
Picture Competition
Once again, I am running a Picture competition. The prize will a professional unfilled Punching Bag worth €40 to hang in your home. To enter simple post a karate themed picture on our Facebook page before 8th September. All entries will then be subject to a public vote from 9th September till 15th September. The picture with the most likes wins. The picture can be anything you like but must feature a current student wearing their Elite Uniform. Its only for fun, so get your thinking hats on, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Get Fit – Lose Weight Before Christmas
This September we’re offering Half Price on 10 classes in our Cardio Combat Fitness Classes to any new participant. Class are high intensity interval training adapted for your fitness level and are designed for fitness and weight loss. The class consists of karate, circuits, core and ab work and is ideal for beginners. Participants must be over 15 years of age and not tried the classes before in order to avail of the offer. Click here for more details
New website
I launched launching a new upgraded website in July. This new website features much better information on our style, history and lineage for our members, incorporating all the grading requirements for each grade on both the junior and adult syllabus. We also have an extensive archive on all the programmes we teach in class throughout the year to help students and parents outside of class. Each week new blogs are added teaching various aspects of the martial arts some not covered in class. Click the links to read about
Dojo Kun Programme – Most clubs dojo rules consist of no shouting, no chewing gum etc. Our Dojo Kun program teaches your child 25 rules of life. These rules teach your child how to follow and make their dreams come true, through hard work, passion and dedication.
Elite Karate Academy teaches our students how karate training can improve their lives. Read more in our blog section below.
Word of the Week – Our word of the week program teaches 14 core values to your child in a 5 minute ‘mat chat’ within their normal class. Your child will grow as people not just stronger and fitter. Read the lessons in our blog section.
Our 14 words are: Courtesy, Growth, Honesty, Obedience, Courage, Sincerity, Humility, Perserverance, Honour, Loyalty, Self Control, Knowledge, Respect, Integrity.
Elite Mental Training – This program teaches students the mental strategy of fighting, topics introduced can be used in all areas of life, reducing stress and increasing mental well being. Read some lessons covered in our blog section below.
Anti Bullying Programme – We teach your child how to deal with bullying in a non aggressive way without having to resort to violence. A great program for boosting confidence and self belief. This starts in September.
Testimonials Request
That so many of you praise our Academy is huge source of pride to me. Please write a review/testimonial here. They will then be added to our website. Student / parents or both may write a review and you may write a new one if you wrote one before.
Each Month I will be posting teaching videos on our Academy’s channel on the grading syllabus for students to train at home. These videos will have points for parents to watch out for in order that they may help their child learn and improve quicker.
Passport Fees
Any Student who got their grading Passport for the first time last September, it is now due for renewal. Renewal Fee for the year is €10 and can be paid in class. Students cannot grade without an up to date passport.
Zen Tip
Seek not to know the answers, but to understand the questions.
Fitness Tip
One small change a week or month, increases your chances of success. Big changes are harder mentally and physically to cope with. Need inspiration? Are you drinking enough water? Do you have water beside you while reading this? If no you may not be getting enough. Start with one glass more of water per day and over time slowly increase the amount you drink.
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