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Dojo Kun No 11: Learn to let go, happiness comes from inside

Dojo Kun No 11: Learn to let go, happiness comes from inside

Learn to let go, happiness comes from inside ...more

News & Updates ,Dojo Kun Lessons

July 08, 20190 min read

“Children Don’t Quit Karate, Parents Do”

“Children Don’t Quit Karate, Parents Do”

“Children don’t quit Karate, Parents do.” If you want your child to benefit or even receive their black belt and more, than you as a parent need to have a black belt commitment too. ...more

News & Updates ,Dojo Kun Lessons

April 30, 20182 min read

Lesson 11: Learn to let go. Happiness comes from inside.

Lesson 11: Learn to let go. Happiness comes from inside.

Like all Zen statements this one sounds a lot easier then it seems. Letting go sounds easy but requires considerable training over a long period of time to achieve mastery. Let go of hurtful commen... ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20172 min read

Lesson 12: Follow your dreams

Lesson 12: Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20172 min read

Lesson 13: Learn to protect not destroy

Lesson 13: Learn to protect not destroy

Karate is for self defense and should only be used to protect you or others, never for attack. But attacks may not just be physical they may be mental or verbal. The words we use can cause more long... ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20172 min read

Lesson 14: Listen to your inner voice, not the random opinions of others

Lesson 14: Listen to your inner voice, not the random opinions of others

Listen to your inner voice, not the random opinions of others ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20172 min read

Lesson 15: Believe in Yourself

Lesson 15: Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20171 min read

Lesson 16: Stand up for what is right, even if you’re standing alone

Lesson 16: Stand up for what is right, even if you’re standing alone

Stand up for what is right. We know inside what is right and wrong. And it is easier to stand up to your enemies then it is to your friends. But a black belt must have the integrity and courage to ... ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20171 min read

Lesson 17: Find the strength hidden inside

Lesson 17: Find the strength hidden inside

You have an unbelievable strength inside. You can handle anything life throws at you. The difficulty is finding the strength inside you. ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20171 min read

Lesson 18: If it feels wrong don’t do it

Lesson 18: If it feels wrong don’t do it

If it feels wrong don’t do it ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20172 min read

Lesson 19: Say exactly what you mean

Lesson 19: Say exactly what you mean

Say exactly what you mean ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20171 min read

Lesson 20: Trusts your instincts

Lesson 20: Trusts your instincts

Trusts your instincts ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20170 min read

Lesson 21: Never speak bad about yourself or others

Lesson 21: Never speak bad about yourself or others

Never speak bad about yourself or others ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20170 min read

Lesson 22: Don’t be afraid to say no

Lesson 22: Don’t be afraid to say no

Don’t be afraid to say no ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20170 min read

Lesson 23: Don’t be afraid to say yes

Lesson 23: Don’t be afraid to say yes

Don’t be afraid to say yes ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20170 min read

Lesson 24: Be kind

Lesson 24: Be kind

Be kind ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20170 min read

Lesson 25: Smile

Lesson 25: Smile

Smile ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 04, 20170 min read

Lesson 8: Learn to respond not react

Lesson 8: Learn to respond not react

Learn to respond not react ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 03, 20171 min read

Lesson 9: Karate Takes Discipline

Lesson 9: Karate Takes Discipline

The 1st discipline it to turn up for training. Be on time, be ready to train and be ready to give 100%. ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 03, 20172 min read

Lesson 10: Anything worthwhile in life takes time, dedication, will power and sacrifice, but it will be worth it

Lesson 10: Anything worthwhile in life takes time, dedication, will power and sacrifice, but it will be worth it

In this day everybody is looking for the quick fix, the immediate satisfaction. People are not willing to invest time in learn, if you can’t do it immediately it’s not worth doing. But important thi... ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 03, 20171 min read

Lesson 3: Be Of Use

Lesson 3: Be Of Use

Lesson 3: Be of use ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 01, 20171 min read

Lesson 4: Do No Harm

Lesson 4: Do No Harm

Another one I learnt from my own Sensei and incorperated into our Dojo rules. In a world of selfishness, following this life lesson changes your outlook on a day to day basis. It moves us away from se... ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 01, 20171 min read

Lesson 7: Shoshaku Jushaku

Lesson 7: Shoshaku Jushaku

Mistake upon mistake. Or life as one continuous mistake. Progress in the martial arts as in life, is based on making mistakes, recognize them, fix them and make new mistakes. ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

September 01, 20171 min read

Lesson 1 & 2: Karate Ni Sente Nashi

Lesson 1 & 2: Karate Ni Sente Nashi

Our Elite Mental Training Programme teaches our Adult or High Ranked Junior students about the mental/spiritual side of the martial arts. ...more

News & Updates ,Elite Mental Training &Dojo Kun Lessons

September 01, 20171 min read

Dojo Kun Lesson 6: Never be cruel, Never be cowardly

Dojo Kun Lesson 6: Never be cruel, Never be cowardly

Karate is about improving the character. By improving ourselves, we model a better example for those around us, which in turn improves the society around us. A good karateka should never be cruel, fav... ...more

News & Updates ,Dojo Kun Lessons

July 02, 20171 min read

Dojo Kun Lesson 7: Mistake upon mistake

Dojo Kun Lesson 7: Mistake upon mistake

Shoshaku Jushaku. Mistake upon mistake. Or life as one continuous mistake. Progress in the martial arts as in life, is based on making mistakes, recognize them, fix them and make new mistakes. Nobody ... ...more

News & Updates ,Dojo Kun Lessons

July 02, 20171 min read

Dojo Kun Lesson 3: Be of Use

Dojo Kun Lesson 3: Be of Use

I learned this one from my own Sensei and incorporated into our Dojo rules. In a world of selfishness, following this life lesson changes your outlook on a day to day basis. ...more

News & Updates ,Dojo Kun Lessons

June 26, 20171 min read

Dojo Kun Lesson 5: Never Give in

Dojo Kun Lesson 5: Never Give in

Never give up, Never give in Success in the martial arts as in life requires perseverance. Long term training can go through peaks and depressions on the journey to Shodan or beyond. ...more

News & Updates ,Dojo Kun Lessons

June 26, 20171 min read

Lesson 6: Never Be Cowardly, Never Be Cruel

Lesson 6: Never Be Cowardly, Never Be Cruel

Karate is about improving the character. By improving ourselves, we model a better example for those around us, which in turn improves the society around us. A good karateka should never be cruel, fav... ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

March 23, 15061 min read

Lesson 5: Never Give Up, Never Give In

Lesson 5: Never Give Up, Never Give In

Never give up, Never give in ...more

Dojo Kun Lessons

March 22, 15062 min read

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