Our Blogs
Welcome to our January Newsletter. I hope you all had a wonderful Xmas and may 2018 bring you joy and happiness.
This email newsletter will hopefully keep you up to date with all you need to know about what’s going on in Elite Karate Academy over the coming months. Please feel free to share this newsletter with family and friends, I hope you find it informative. Feel free to comment on our Facebook (insert link here) page with comments and be sure to like our page while you’re there. Sign up for our newsletter at https://www.elitekarateacademy.com/contact-us/
News – Updates – Events
Congratulations to all those students who graded before Xmas. Click the following link to view the child’s syllabus or adult’s syllabus, to view what you need for your next grade.
If you wish you can now pay your fees by Credit/Debit Card or set up a Standing Order, simply ask for a standing order form to complete the next time you are in the dojo.
We are currently offering a special offer of 10% off 3 month term for new members. Click here for a lin to send your friends.
Donations for St Vincent de Paul of clothes, bedding, toys, books, household items, DVDs etc. as always may be dropped off at the dojo anytime.
That so many of you recommend our Academy is a great source of pride for me. Please go our Facebook page and write a review your club and it may be posted on our website. In February we will be running a referral competition. More details next month
As always parents are invited to join our Cardio Combat Fitness Boot Camp. Ask Sensei about a FREE TRIAL. Our Fitness Bootcamp class have now been rescheduled and now take place on Monday & Friday from 8.15pm-9.30pm. See below for more details.
Elite Karate Academy Expo
Our 7th Karate Expo will take place on Sunday 15th of April between 2pm-6pm, in the Green Isle Hotel. All students will once again take part in the Expo and showcase their abilities and standard. The expo will include gradings, demonstrations by students and instructors, sparring competition, raffle, bake sale and our annual awards ceremony, where we will crown this year’s student of the year. More details in next month’s newsletter but for now book the date in your diaries.
Sparring Competition
Will take place within class in March and is completely voluntary. More detail of how to sign up next month.
St Patrick’s Day Parade
Once again this year the Academy will be walking in this year’s Clondalkin Parade. Students, families, and friends are all invited to join us on the day.
Cardio Fitness Boot Camp
Cardio Combat Fitness Class. Special Offer 1 Month Trial (8Classes) Only €40 In January. New Members Welcome Now. Beginner – Advanced Go at Your Pace. Lose Weight & Get Fit. Mix of Circuits, Core, Fitness & Karate. New Time Monday & Wednesday 8.15-9.30pm. Check Out Here For More Information.
Stick Fighting Classes
A new stick fighting class starts on Mondays between 6-7pm. Class are based on Japanese martial arts including principles from Wado Ryu Karate, Ken Jitsu (sword), Bo Jitsu ( long staff), Jo Jitsu (short staff) and FMA stick fighting techniques. No Previous martial arts experience or fitness is required. Check out link for more details. Join in January and receive our special introductory offer of 4 classes for only €20.
Character Education Program
Once again, we start our Word of the Week program in class. Our specially designed word of the week program teaches 14 core values to your child in a 5 minute ‘mat chat’ within their normal class. Your child will grow as people not just stronger and fitter. No other club offers this type of program.
Our 14 words are: Courtesy, Growth, Honesty, Obedience, Courage, Sincerity, Humility, Perseverance, Honour, Loyalty, Self-Control, Knowledge, Respect, Integrity.
Each week these lessons will be posted on our Facebook page or the full course can be viewed here in our blog section of our website. I strongly urge parents to get involved with their child’s learning by reading these posts or discussing after each class what they learnt.
Every week we have new blogs on our website. Click here to read about them
Dojo Kun Programme – Most club’s dojo rules consist of no shouting, no chewing gum etc. Our Dojo Kun program teaches your child 25 rules of life. These rules teach your child how to follow and make their dreams come true, through hard work, passion, and dedication.
Elite Mental Training – This program teaches students the mental strategy of fighting, topics introduced can be used in all areas of life, reducing stress, and increasing mental wellbeing. Read some lessons covered in our blog section below.
Anti-Bullying Programme – We teach your child how to deal with bullying in a non-aggressive way without having to resort to violence. A great program for boosting confidence and self-belief. This starts in September.
Newer material will be shared weekly on our Facebook page, much will be of interest even to those who don’t train.
Referral Competition
Next month we will be starting out referral competition and I will give details of how to enter and prizes.
Coming later in the Year
Other events coming up this year after the Expo, will be our Karate Summer Camps and Summer Party.
Testimonials Request
That so many of you praise our Academy is huge source of pride to me. Please write a review/testimonial here. They will then be added to our website. Student / parents or both may write a review and you may write a new one if you wrote one before.
Zen Tip
To Study Karate Is To Study Ourselves. To Study Ourselves Is To Forget Ourselves.. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
Fitness Tip
ASK A FRIEND FOR HELP. Having someone ask you each week how you are doing is a great source of encouragement and motivation. People generally work harder for others then they do themselves. Sad but true. Having a close friend or family member ask you each week about your progress is more likely to keep you on track.
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